18 august (thursday)
Hour: 19:00
Solidarności Square
The fifth edition of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival is ahead of us. From 21 to 25 September at the Philharmonic in Szczecin, we will again blur boundaries between domains of art, combine genres, play with form, and mix music styles to create events that fall outside traditional categories. The theme of this year's MDF festival is HARMONY. So we invite everyone to look for it today.
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During a musical happening at plac Solidarności, we will try to find harmony between nature, humans and urban space together. The main character of the evening will be a TREE symbolising the relationship between humans and nature. Around it, we will arrange a living human mandala playing harmonious sounds. So get ready for a visual and sensual feast you will be co-creators of.

The happening will be crowned with planting a TREE in the nearby Łąka Kany (Kana's Meadow), which will remain a living symbol of our long striving for harmony in the city. But it is not everything. The event participants will receive as a gift plant seedlings that will enrich the green tissue of Szczecin in its various corners.
21 september (wednesday)
Hour: 18:00
Audiovisual modular installation with AR
Philharmonic space
The modular audiovisual installation, which will appear in the Philharmonic's spaces during the MDF Festival, is a four-stage journey through a fragment of the Solar System. The creative duo of ELEKTRO MOON VISION – Elwira Wojtunik and Popesz Csaba Láng – used image, light, AR technology and music based on authentic sounds of space made available by NASA. Everyone will be able to experience the extraordinary harmony flowing straight from the celestial bodies.
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Does space make sounds? After all, we know that sound waves do not travel in outer space, so the answer that comes to mind is – no, the cosmos does not make sounds. However, this is not entirely true. Thanks to advanced technologies, NASA scientists record electromagnetic waves accompanying the movement of celestial bodies. These waves can be translated into sounds that the human ear can recognise. So Pythagoras was right when he said that the harmonious movement of the planets causes the formation of sounds that are inaudible to humans.

These "sounds of the cosmos" recorded by scientists from NASA formed the basis for the musical layer of the multisensory experience of the harmony of the cosmos. The project is accompanied by an ambient / drone musical composition composed especially for this occasion by the Iranian artist Ali Phi. The artist used authentic sounds provided by NASA.

The audiovisual modular installation, which can be explored in the Philharmonic spaces, consists of four active audiovisual modules. Light paths will guide us through sounds and music in the solar system, the sonic relationship between the Earth and its moon and star – the sun. We will learn little-known facts from the life of these celestial bodies and their harmonious connections and common points. The augmented reality technology will connect the real world with virtual objects to learn about and better experience the harmony of the celestial spheres.
level 4. Gallery
Every year, an inseparable part of MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival are exhibitions that gather a large audience interested in art. This year, thanks to the unique photographs of Marcin Kydryński, the permeating harmony of the festival will also be present at the Level 4 Gallery.
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Exhibitions have been an integral part of the MDF Festival since the first edition in 2018. The spacious gallery is then filled with works by Polish and foreign artists referring to the theme of the given edition. The white room filled with light shining through the geometric roof becomes a plastic space that is shaped by the works and objects placed in it.

This year, the Level 4 Gallery will once again become a meeting place with art, thanks to an exhibition of photographs by Marcin Kydryński - a music journalist and owner of one of the most recognisable radio voices. He is also a composer, songwriter, producer, writer, traveller and photographer. He is referred to as a true Renaissance man for a reason. The last two passions will bring him to Szczecin, where he will present photographs from his travels.

Kydryński learned the art of photography from the best, including Tomasz Tomaszewski, the master of press photography. For 30 years, he has been travelling around Africa, photographing people and landscapes, and his watchful eye can capture the extraordinary beauty of the "black land".

"The world has changed at an unprecedented pace in history. We all take photographs today – someone with a Leica, another with a phone. It does not mean that the one with Leica will do better. Photography is made in the head. It is a proof of our sensitivity to reality; it is a gift of careful vision". [M. Kydryński]

This sensitivity and awareness can be seen perfectly in the works of Kydryński. As an excellent observer, he gives us thought-provoking images from a distant continent. It provides us with harmonious compositions that combine the beauty of nature, people and their everyday life with the hardships and brutality still tormenting African countries.

Source of the quote: serwisatywzlodziejewie.pl
Foyer of the symphony hall

Bentley meets art: Intrygująca opowieść o pięknie i doskonałości.

Uwieczniona na tle gmachu Filharmonii w Szczecinie – nagrodzonego między innymi Mies van der Rohe Award, najważniejszą europejską nagrodą architektoniczną i jedną z najbardziej prestiżowych na świecie – intrygująca opowieść o pięknie i doskonałości to efekt wyjątkowego projektu marki Bentley.
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Na zdjęciach autorstwa Zuzy Krajewskiej, obok tworzonych przez prawdziwych artystów i zdobionych ręcznym rzemiosłem z Crewe aut, podziwiać można projekty Gosi Baczyńskiej – projektantki, która jako pierwsza Polka prezentowała swoje kolekcje podczas pokazów prêt-à-porter w trakcie oficjalnego kalendarza Paris Fashion Week. Elegancka i ponadczasowa estetyka marki Bentley doskonale współgra z wyrazistymi i sensualnymi, dopracowanymi w najmniejszych detalach kreacjami. Luksusowe samochody brytyjskiego producenta z oryginalną estetyką projektów artystki łączą też unikalny design i wyjątkowy charakter.
Sight-seeing the Philharmonic / exhibition
Philharmonic space
level 4. Gallery
Foyer of the symphony hall
Dni tygodnia oraz godziny zwiedzania:
  • 21.09.2022 r. (środa) w godz. 18:00 – 19:00
  • 22.09.2022 r. (czwartek) w godz. 10:00 – 22:00
  • 23.09.2022 r. (piątek) w godz. 10:00 – 18:00
  • 24.09.2022 r. (sobota) w godz. 13:00 – 18:00
Hour: 20:00
Symphony Hall
This year's edition of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival will be opened by a unique project by Jacek Hałas and Radzimir Dębski. A harmonious combination of tradition and modernity with the use of modern technologies will be realised in two spaces. It will be a musical metaphor for the so-called rites of passage – rituals that change a person's life, striving to achieve harmony with themself and the world.
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Tradition and modernity. Maturity and youth. The meeting of two seemingly different artists must have resulted in an event different from all the others. Jacek Hałas – the first of them is a recognised artist who has been searching for and drawing on traditional music in his work; musician, singer and dancer. The second – Radzimir Dębski – is one of the most intriguing and famous composers of the young generation, whose output includes both symphonic pieces and film music, as well as arrangements of hip-hop and jazz pieces.

The event they have created will not be a concert in the strict sense – we will become viewers of a theatrical show, which, combining two musical worlds and two contrasting spaces of the Philharmonic, will lead us through the traditional rites of passage.

Rites of passage, known probably in every culture, were rituals that were supposed to change a person and their status in society. They were a breakthrough in life, crossing a specific conventional boundary between the phases of life and were associated with abandoning what is old in favour of what is new. Each rite was usually divided into three stages – exclusion, suspension and inclusion, which corresponded successively to the sphere of the profane, the sacred and the profane.

Nowadays, the rites of passage have not disappeared from our lives but have only changed their nature, gaining, in most cases, a secular character. However, even as such, they take the form of a ritual in their more profound sense – be it for education, work, or everyday practices and behaviour.

In their three-movement work, Hałas and Dębski take Adam Mickiewicz's Ballad and Romances as the starting point for composing and everything that could have inspired the poet to create breakthrough literary pieces. Ballads imbued with mystery and magic, populated by nymphs and devils, presenting a folk worldview, will become the basis of a concert in which the harmony of tradition will be intertwined with the harmony of the present day. The whole thing will be a kind of rite of passage that will eventually become a musical affirmation of life.
Hour: 21:00
Illumination show
Philharmonic / city space
The fifth edition of the MDF Festival is an excellent opportunity to present to the public and residents of Szczecin the unique lighting possibilities that the facade of the Philharmonic building has. Therefore, we invite you every evening for the five days of the festival to see it for yourselves.
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The building of the Philharmonic in Szczecin is one of the most characteristic buildings in the country and the world. Contrasting with the urban space, the white building has been awarded many times in competitions, including the 2015 European Union Mies van der Rohe Prize in the Contemporary Architecture Contest, also known as the "architectural Nobel". The illuminated facade – white daily and illuminated with colour on special occasions – adds to the uniqueness and magic of the project by the Spanish architects.

All the lighting possibilities of the building's facade were presented for the first time during the first edition of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival in 2018. Then, we could see the Philharmonic pulsating with colourful light mirages. Daily shows of illumination have become part of the MDF, becoming every year one of the elements of the festival awaited by the audience, tourists and residents of Szczecin.

It will be no different during the fifth jubilee edition of the MDF Festival. The white facade of the most beautiful building in Europe will once again become a canvas on which we will paint light pictures. Harmonious architecture is permeated with harmony – not only inside but also outside.

We invite you for five days of the festival every day from 20:00 to midnight.
22 september (thursday)
Hour: 10:00
Sight-seeing the Philharmonic / exhibition
Philharmonic space
level 4. Gallery
Foyer of the symphony hall
Dni tygodnia oraz godziny zwiedzania:
  • 21.09.2022 r. (środa) w godz. 18:00 – 19:00
  • 22.09.2022 r. (czwartek) w godz. 10:00 – 22:00
  • 23.09.2022 r. (piątek) w godz. 10:00 – 18:00
  • 24.09.2022 r. (sobota) w godz. 13:00 – 18:00
Hour: 18:00
Chamber hall
W ramach piątej edycji festiwalu MDF, podczas otwartego forum dyskusyjnego z udziałem prelegentów i zaproszonych uczestników, będziemy rozważać pojęcie HARMONII w różnych jej aspektach.
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W teorii muzyki harmonia zyskała rangę samodzielnej nauki, a żaden inny aspekt muzyki nie został opisany w sposób tak obszerny. Harmonia odnosi się do współbrzmień zupełnie różnych akordów oraz do hierarchicznych relacji między dźwiękami. Czy harmonię w muzyce możemy porównać do życiowej harmonii, do której tak wielu z nas dąży? Czy na nasze życie składają się hierarchiczne w stosunku do siebie płaszczyzny, które pozwalają harmonię osiągnąć? I w końcu czy harmonia dla każdego oznacza to samo?

Na te i wiele innych pytań odpowiedzą znani opinii publicznej eksperci, którzy poruszą temat harmonii w sztuce, nauce i życiu codziennym oraz jej aspektów filozoficznych, duchowych czy światopoglądowych. Będzie to okazja, by mówić o harmonii, którą definiuje się w zależności od epoki czy panujących trendów, traktuje się jako inspirację do tworzenia sztuki czy do rozważań w kontekście wszechświata, praw rządzących światem, a nawet fizyki kwantowej.

Hour: 21:00
Illumination show
Philharmonic / city space
The fifth edition of the MDF Festival is an excellent opportunity to present to the public and residents of Szczecin the unique lighting possibilities that the facade of the Philharmonic building has. Therefore, we invite you every evening for the five days of the festival to see it for yourselves.
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The building of the Philharmonic in Szczecin is one of the most characteristic buildings in the country and the world. Contrasting with the urban space, the white building has been awarded many times in competitions, including the 2015 European Union Mies van der Rohe Prize in the Contemporary Architecture Contest, also known as the "architectural Nobel". The illuminated facade – white daily and illuminated with colour on special occasions – adds to the uniqueness and magic of the project by the Spanish architects.

All the lighting possibilities of the building's facade were presented for the first time during the first edition of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival in 2018. Then, we could see the Philharmonic pulsating with colourful light mirages. Daily shows of illumination have become part of the MDF, becoming every year one of the elements of the festival awaited by the audience, tourists and residents of Szczecin.

It will be no different during the fifth jubilee edition of the MDF Festival. The white facade of the most beautiful building in Europe will once again become a canvas on which we will paint light pictures. Harmonious architecture is permeated with harmony – not only inside but also outside.

We invite you for five days of the festival every day from 20:00 to midnight.
Relaxing music concert
Chamber hall
After the discussion, we will experience harmony thanks to a concert by Tomek Torres and Paulina Łaba-Torres. With the help of Tibetan bowls and gongs and a handpan (a percussion instrument resembling two connected bowls), they will create ideal conditions for silence and meditation. Furthermore, their performance will be combined with a meditation conducted by the famous yogi Alla Raginis, allowing participants to experience deep relaxation.
23 september (friday)
Hour: 10:00
Sight-seeing the Philharmonic / exhibition
Philharmonic space
level 4. Gallery
Foyer of the symphony hall
Dni tygodnia oraz godziny zwiedzania:
  • 21.09.2022 r. (środa) w godz. 18:00 – 19:00
  • 22.09.2022 r. (czwartek) w godz. 10:00 – 22:00
  • 23.09.2022 r. (piątek) w godz. 10:00 – 18:00
  • 24.09.2022 r. (sobota) w godz. 13:00 – 18:00
Hour: 21:00
Illumination show
Philharmonic / city space
The fifth edition of the MDF Festival is an excellent opportunity to present to the public and residents of Szczecin the unique lighting possibilities that the facade of the Philharmonic building has. Therefore, we invite you every evening for the five days of the festival to see it for yourselves.
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The building of the Philharmonic in Szczecin is one of the most characteristic buildings in the country and the world. Contrasting with the urban space, the white building has been awarded many times in competitions, including the 2015 European Union Mies van der Rohe Prize in the Contemporary Architecture Contest, also known as the "architectural Nobel". The illuminated facade – white daily and illuminated with colour on special occasions – adds to the uniqueness and magic of the project by the Spanish architects.

All the lighting possibilities of the building's facade were presented for the first time during the first edition of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival in 2018. Then, we could see the Philharmonic pulsating with colourful light mirages. Daily shows of illumination have become part of the MDF, becoming every year one of the elements of the festival awaited by the audience, tourists and residents of Szczecin.

It will be no different during the fifth jubilee edition of the MDF Festival. The white facade of the most beautiful building in Europe will once again become a canvas on which we will paint light pictures. Harmonious architecture is permeated with harmony – not only inside but also outside.

We invite you for five days of the festival every day from 20:00 to midnight.
Electronic music concert
The Friday festival evening will be devoted to electronic music. British DJ and producer Max Cooper, a leading artist on the international electronic scene, will present his latest project, Unspoken Words.
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Cooper is an interdisciplinary artist who is undoubtedly influenced by his scientific career as a genetics doctor. In his work, he successfully combines music, visual arts, science, film, choreography, psychology and spirituality. Each project he creates – a concert, installation, performance – is a unique experience. It will also be no different during the concert as part of the fifth edition of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival, when the musician will take us to the world of his thoughts, full of harmonious ambient landscapes with well-balanced deep techno here and there.

I've always struggled with words. Attempts to convey anything meaningful about my inner state, in any way that seems to do justice, have always been beyond me. But music avoids language – says Max Cooper, describing his latest project. I tried to condense my music to its basics and simply try to express what I felt as directly as possible, he adds.

"Unspoken Words", however, as always in the case of Cooper, is not only music. As an audiovisual artist, he enriches his music and the ideas and stories that inspire it with images. So we will hear the songs that make up the latest album, and the whole will be complemented by spectacular video clips created by various artists, especially on commission and under the direction of Max Cooper himself.

As the artist says, when, in collaboration with individual visual artists, he began to transform his feelings and the latest works into video form, something interesting appeared – a new quality. As always, there have been many visual analogies and structures inherent in music, and as usual, I have instructed every artist about them. But making the film revealed a different underlying narrative that music alone could not convey, says Cooper.

In line with the leading idea of ​​this year's edition of MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival, in the ascetic space of the hall, Max Cooper will reveal more faces of Harmony to us. Knowing his artistic achievements so far, we are convinced that the meeting with the album Unspoken Words will be a unique and perfect ending to the festival's third day.

Citation source: unspokenwords.net
24 september (saturday)
Hour: 13:00
Sight-seeing the Philharmonic / exhibition
Philharmonic space
level 4. Gallery
Foyer of the symphony hall
Dni tygodnia oraz godziny zwiedzania:
  • 21.09.2022 r. (środa) w godz. 18:00 – 19:00
  • 22.09.2022 r. (czwartek) w godz. 10:00 – 22:00
  • 23.09.2022 r. (piątek) w godz. 10:00 – 18:00
  • 24.09.2022 r. (sobota) w godz. 13:00 – 18:00
Hour: 20:00
What is the meaning of harmony in music? What was it once? And what is it today? Does music in the 21st century resonate with the heritage of our ancestors and draw from its origins? These questions were asked by the interns participating in the international Music.Multimedia.Management project whose task was to create one of the events of the MDF Festival from scratch.
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The fifth edition of MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival is a harmony of sounds, images and thoughts. The participants of the international training project entitled Music.Multimedia.Management., which was initiated and organised by the Philharmonic in Szczecin, tried to capture its idea. Thanks to the acquired knowledge and experience, they could look at the subject of harmony in music in a comprehensive way to plan and implement one of the festival concerts – both from the conceptual and purely technical sides. A musical meeting with harmony throughout history will be the culmination of both the festival Saturday and the two-year work and training of young people as part of the MMM project.

The young apprentices found inspiration to create the concert in the String Quartet No. 3 by Szymon Laks – a piece written during the composer's liberation from the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. The author instinctively turned to folk melodies, seeking solace and a language for the new times in them. Folk, resonating in the very cradle of humanity, is actually able to bear the burden of inter-genre, independent dialogue, thus becoming a basis for reflection on the future. Szymon Laks noticed this dependence, which now, together with Messages Quartet and Grzegorz Sadowski, who is a Szczecin Philharmonic and ExQuartet member, the M.M.M. interns want to enrich with a cosmological order – the folk dimension of culture will always be intertwined with the experimental, electronic one. The harmony of dialogue between them will exist forever, as the musicians will remind in their confronted arrangement.
Hour: 21:00
Illumination show
Philharmonic / city space
The fifth edition of the MDF Festival is an excellent opportunity to present to the public and residents of Szczecin the unique lighting possibilities that the facade of the Philharmonic building has. Therefore, we invite you every evening for the five days of the festival to see it for yourselves.
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The building of the Philharmonic in Szczecin is one of the most characteristic buildings in the country and the world. Contrasting with the urban space, the white building has been awarded many times in competitions, including the 2015 European Union Mies van der Rohe Prize in the Contemporary Architecture Contest, also known as the "architectural Nobel". The illuminated facade – white daily and illuminated with colour on special occasions – adds to the uniqueness and magic of the project by the Spanish architects.

All the lighting possibilities of the building's facade were presented for the first time during the first edition of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival in 2018. Then, we could see the Philharmonic pulsating with colourful light mirages. Daily shows of illumination have become part of the MDF, becoming every year one of the elements of the festival awaited by the audience, tourists and residents of Szczecin.

It will be no different during the fifth jubilee edition of the MDF Festival. The white facade of the most beautiful building in Europe will once again become a canvas on which we will paint light pictures. Harmonious architecture is permeated with harmony – not only inside but also outside.

We invite you for five days of the festival every day from 20:00 to midnight.
25 september (sunday)
Hour: 12:00
Chamber hall
During the fifth edition of the MDF Festival, children will also be able to experience harmony. This year, EduFilharmonia has prepared a Saturday meeting with the harmony of the forest for young music lovers. They will seek it with the artists among the forest flora and fauna.
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Trees are the greatest allies of life on our planet – they produce oxygen, store water, and regulate temperature. They are the most valuable and complex ecosystems on Earth. Their natural symbiosis with other species of plants and animals is an example of delightful natural harmony.

On Saturday morning, we will turn the chamber hall into a forest and go for a walk. Its direction will be determined by the sounds of forest fauna and flora – singing birds, rustling tree crowns, shimmering forest streams and squirrels rummaging in the bushes. Will we encounter obstacles in the forest that we will have to deal with on our own? Yes. After this walk, will we be the same people we were before entering the forest thicket? No, because the forest is in constant motion, and we change with it.

We invite you to discover the roots of sound and the unusual, ancient harmony of the forest together.
Hour: 19:00
Symphony Hall
As every year, the Sunday final concert of the MDF Festival is the musical icing on the festival cake. It will be no different during the fifth edition, which will end with a musical event by an extraordinary singer – China Moses. The artist's robust and sensual voice in the Symphony Orchestra's company will take us to the harmonious world of jazz and symphony.
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China Moses was born in Los Angeles and grew up in an artistic environment (her mother is Dee Dee Bridgewater, and her father is director Gilbert Moses), which influenced her life choices. From an early age, she looked for her way in theatre, modelling and music. But luckily for all fans of her captivating voice, she decided to devote her life to music. China Moses released her first single at 18, and her work has evolved since then, moving from R'n'B to a mixture of music on the border of soul, blues and jazz.

"(...) dazzling, with a glass of red wine, in high, fashionable, Parisian heels, she takes the stage to carry the audience to her beautiful, jazz world in an instant". THE TIMES

The singer does not stick to the rigid musical framework. Instead, she experimented with different genres, trying her hand at electro hip-hop and collaborating with French DJs and producers. Moses shared the stage several times with her mother, accompanied by orchestras such as Deutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg and WDR Big Band.

The performance at the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival will be an opportunity for China Moses to meet with the Szczecin Philharmonic Orchestra. However, Troy Miller will also appear on stage – a charismatic conductor, composer and multi-instrumentalist responsible for arranging her hits for a symphony orchestra.

Troy Miller's rare talent goes far beyond the genres of musical art. He began his career as a drummer, performing and recording along with Roy Ayers and Amy Winehouse. He has produced for stars like Adele, Chaka Khan, Macy Gray, Gary Bartz, Daniel Merriweather, Gloria Gaynor, and Grace Jones. Over the years of his artistic work, he conducted many master classes in music. His conducting activity led him to orchestras like the London Symphony Orchestra and the BBC Orchestra.

Thanks to China Moses, Troy Miller and the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra in Szczecin, we will move to the world of harmony of jazz and symphony on Sunday evening. The artist's sensual vocal and music at the highest level will ensure an unforgettable experience. It will surely be remembered by all participants of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival for a long time.
Hour: 21:00
Illumination show
Philharmonic / city space
The fifth edition of the MDF Festival is an excellent opportunity to present to the public and residents of Szczecin the unique lighting possibilities that the facade of the Philharmonic building has. Therefore, we invite you every evening for the five days of the festival to see it for yourselves.
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The building of the Philharmonic in Szczecin is one of the most characteristic buildings in the country and the world. Contrasting with the urban space, the white building has been awarded many times in competitions, including the 2015 European Union Mies van der Rohe Prize in the Contemporary Architecture Contest, also known as the "architectural Nobel". The illuminated facade – white daily and illuminated with colour on special occasions – adds to the uniqueness and magic of the project by the Spanish architects.

All the lighting possibilities of the building's facade were presented for the first time during the first edition of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival in 2018. Then, we could see the Philharmonic pulsating with colourful light mirages. Daily shows of illumination have become part of the MDF, becoming every year one of the elements of the festival awaited by the audience, tourists and residents of Szczecin.

It will be no different during the fifth jubilee edition of the MDF Festival. The white facade of the most beautiful building in Europe will once again become a canvas on which we will paint light pictures. Harmonious architecture is permeated with harmony – not only inside but also outside.

We invite you for five days of the festival every day from 20:00 to midnight.